Timeless grace education opportunity comes, Bismarck, N.D., July 19-21

Touchstone health and fitness club, 1000 West century Avenue in Bismarck, hosted a timeless grace ® seminar and certification program, July 19-21. Ageless grace ® is a seated exercise program that works the core and the organs and systems of the body activated. The program's 21 tools are based on the cutting-edge research neuroplasticity - the brain's ability to change structurally and functionally. Everyone, including people with physical disabilities and challenges, can take part in his or her own level ability.

The certification program, to teach the people the program are authorized by 9-6, will take place July and continues on the 21st of July, from 9-01:30. The cost is $325.00. A personal practice seminar will be 19.Juli 2-18 instead of the cost are $55.00. Multiple public classes will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The cost is $8 per class, payable at the door. Register at www.agelessgrace.com, by clicking the certificate tab and seminars.

The program is by certified ageless grace ® facilitates teacher and coach Jeanne Carter. Have you retired from a 30-year career as a teacher and administrator in special schools, Carter began his studies and played in the field of health and fitness. "I have taught ageless grace ® for two years. My students have fun, move they have not moved and tell me that your body will benefit from the classes. It the more I'm ageless grace ® and the more I teach, the more I realize how much it has to offer to each of us. The depth of the benefits exceeds by far. the words that I have to describe it"

Ageless grace ® began studying as Denise Medved, founder and creator of the programme in a graduate program in Gerontology. She was stunned to discover that the material in a course called "Architecture of Aging" is meant for people to design houses and jobs, so that if they lost their mobility, they were ready. Prepared, meant a wheelchair ramp is already installed; Handrails in the walk-in shower; Kitchen counter heights at wheelchair level. Cupboards and shelves should not higher than can be achieved, without bending or stand on a stool step installs.

While it is inevitable that some people actually loses their mobility, Medved was appalled at the conventional thinking. She began to think about the possibilities, when the focus of recording physical constraints to do everything to avoid these restrictions, or at least reduce the severity of them was moved away. She was convinced that really not inevitable at all were many of the so-called inevitable signs of aging; They were needed just "Lack of practice" of skills, to help maintain youthful function.

While she spent many years in the world of advertising and Public Relations, Medved has a considerable track record in the fitness industry, so she was familiar with movement and of the human body. For nearly 15 years she was one of 13 black belt NIA technique coaches in the world. She teaches NIA for 26 years and is a certified personal trainer and teacher of Tai Chi.

Her background enabled her approach aging with a different mentality. She felt that it was time for a change of the model of aging in the world, starting with the brain. Seven years spent with this goal in mind, simple tools to create timeless grace ®: 21 for lifelong comfort and ease ™, including the latest research in the field of neuroplasticity.

One major factor that the physical ageing fixes caused each tool and to stimulate all the tools and the five functions of the brain to use - analytical, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory, and creativity and imagination. From birth until about the age of 21, the brain is busy creating a complex network of nerves. But functional and cognitive abilities developed through traditional children's games, sports and recreational activities are usually no longer practiced in adulthood. Ageless grace ® is used to open these routes and just as importantly, stimulates the creation of new by he participants perform movements, the innovative and creative.

Regardless of the height of someone's condition enabled running the tool in a chair the core of the body, including the internal organs and systems, such as the digestive system, the respiratory system and the endocrine system. Is in a Chair, also increases the stability and mobility. This enables people of all ages and abilities (including children) who can perform the movements. With weight and joint problems, diabetes and other challenges like those in wheelchairs or with other physical limitations also practice ageless grace ® as a wonderful opportunity to on the way.

Medved recommends no more than 10 minutes per day every day - to do only two or three tools. A 10-minute session remains about what was needed to get much benefit from the program. Go a gym, no need, no need for special equipment; all you need is a Chair. More ageless grace ® certified than 500 teachers were trained in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Educators teach Alterssiedlung age houses, schools, rehabilitation programs, community centers, churches and synagogues and the fitness center. For more information about the events in Bismarck Nick to contact Hamilton at 701-355-1280.

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