Southern Cross Velvet deer antler Spray takes to the next level

Southern Cross Velvet deer antler, a leader in the industry, is releasing a new spray sublingual gel. The Gel IGF Extreme 1000 is designed to give users higher doses of IGF-1 in the most efficient way. Deer antler spray has gotten a lot of attention lately for its ability to increase muscle strength, endurance and energy. While deer antler velvet suppliers seemed to appear at night, is a source for Southern Cross Velvet deer antler spray for almost 9 years. According to a representative of the company, Southern Cross still continues to sell deer antler spray, but is also the introduction of newer delivery systems for deer antler velvet extract. One of these delivery systems is the IGF Extreme 1000 Gel. The IGF Extreme 1000 is a sublingual gel designed to provide the user with a maximum dose of IGF-1 and growth hormones.

The gel form of deer antler extract is more concentrated than deer antler sprays due to the limitations of the spraying power to spray higher concentration of the deer antler extract. This added concentration is meant to be a user to give the most benefits in a single use possible. "The unique qualities of deer antler Velvet Extract in a Gel maximize their potency and effectiveness", says the company representative. "IGF Extreme 1000 is a standardized soluble formulation of Pantocrine extract, a natural material found in red deer antler velvet. The formulation procedure preserves all the active ingredients of the extract in a pure form, a process that increases the already high blood absorption rate of the IGF Extreme 1000 making it 6 times more powerful than our deer antler spray. "

Southern Cross Velvet is the lead in the deer antler velvet extract market used to users with newer and more efficient forms of deer antler. Southern Cross Velvet keeps the industry forward with new products such as deer antler dog supplement products – which debuted more than 7 years ago-and now with IGF Extreme 1000 Gel push.

About Southern Cross Velvet: In the past 14 years, Southern Cross Velvet is an importer and distributor of the world's most beautiful deer antler velvet deer antler powder, spray, deer antler extract and deer antler pet supplements from New Zealand. Southern Cross Velvet delivers a complete microbiological analysis of its Antler extract and Pure powder. All products are processed in licensed and certified laboratories and harvested under the most humane conditions. Southern Cross Velvet argues strongly for the humane treatment of animals and only used velvet processed in license Government facilities.

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