Too Much Sitting Can Cause Sleep Apnea

Putting in long hours at your office desk can have a negative affect on sleep.  Working hard is never a bad thing, especially in this economy, but studies have shown and a new national poll suggests that long periods of sitting can actually decrease your chances of having a good night’s sleep. Frank Prince founder of Speed Sleep® points out that fluid builds up in some people’s legs after sitting for long periods of time.  The problem with the fluid comes in to play when people lay down at night to go to sleep.  While lying down, the fluid from the legs disperses throughout the body and eventually leads to the head area; that’s where the sleeping problems begin to appear.

The bodily fluids that have developed from sitting all day create pressure around the air passage known as sleep apnea.  The problem with sleep apnea is that it restricts the breathing process during sleep, causing blood pressure to rise and making the heart work harder to pump blood.  Not a good thing to have happen if a healthy lifestyle is something that is important to you. It’s never a good thing to have sleep apnea, which is why there are some simple steps that can be taken to reduce the fluid build up in your legs.  Walk around at work.  Getting up from your desk to grab a drink, or walking around for 10-15 minutes outside can help distribute the fluids from the lower body.  

It’s pretty simple to walk around for a few minutes so hold the excuses aside for the time being. In addition, results from the National Sleep Foundation’s 2013 Sleep in America® poll show a convincing correlation between exercise and better sleep. The poll data indicates that the risk of sleep apnea in exercisers is half that of non-exercisers and that people with sleep apnea are often overweight. Exercise can be part of the treatment.

About Speed Sleep:
Speed Sleep is a simple recording that programs your mind and body to fall into a deep slumber rapidly and easily. There are two tracks – one for a rejuvenating power nap and one for a full night’s worth of sleep. Besides the energy boost gained from using Speed Sleep, there is increased productivity and creativity. It is almost impossible to be industrious or creative when tired from a lack of sleep, and another cup of coffee can’t replace a solid night’s sleep and using sleep aids or sedatives at night can lead to being groggy for the entire following day. However, Speed Sleep can make it possible to awake recharged and refreshed. For more information visit

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