NBA prospect training in Orange County

The New York Knicks come to Orange County tomorrow – you don't want to employ one of Orange County's own; they are here to check out the Lithuanian born NBA prospect 7 "1". His name is Ovidijus Galdikas and he spent the last seven weeks training with the Orange County-based Newport Fit4Life founder Phil Gephart. In less than two months of training here in the States with Phil Gephart & Newport Fit4Life Ovidijus introduced to 21 pounds of muscle while shedding one and a half percent body fat--now at 6.3%-exclusively through Newport Fit4Life 4krok country breaking, proprietary training.

The Knicks, after Ovidijus for some time and since this summer, the interest stirred up considerably.  If you had to rank the Lithuanian Center, which would be number three Ovidijus on most charts. The other two centers from the small Baltic State are in the NBA.  New York Knicks expect to find a diamond in the rough in Ovidijus and are looking into the future of their franchise. And assume Ovidijus as fitting right in the center of it all.

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