“Rovalutionize” Yourself – Live Your Life Consciously Valeria ROVALUTION will Show You How!

Valeria returns to New York City with her new revolutionary book and a whole new colorful lifestyle! Valeria Goncharova Barrett, a longtime haute-couture fashion designer and an avant-garde stylist, has released her new book “Valeria ROVALUTION: Living Life Consciously.” This inspiring book guides one to an unusual lifestyle that will transform one’s spirit, body, diet and appearance. You will discover that meditation can change the way you think; physical exercise can heal your body; a colorful diet can change the way your body functions; and intent-charged clothes can affect not only your own life but can influence the lives around you! “Learn how to focus on yourself in this noisy world; it is never too late – you can always change your life by starting a new one!”– states Valeria in her “out-of-this-world“ book “Valeria ROVALUTION: Living Life Consciously.”©

About The Author: Born and raised in Eastern Europe, Valeria Goncharova Barrett is an award-winning avant-garde couture designer, holistic personal image stylist and a new inspiring author. Valeria has spent more than 20 years in creative leadership within the fashion, entertainment and art industries. She founded a cutting-edge New York-based fashion company ROVA in 2000, a small business that catered exclusive haute couture designs and personal style development services to prominent public figures and celebrities. Valeria’s life-long passion for holistic approach to life led her to one of the wellness and life coaching schools where she expanded her knowledge of alternative medicine, homeopathy and healthy nutrition by receiving a Holistic Life Coach Certification. Since 2009, Valeria is the proprietor of Valeria ROVALUTION™ Company (website: http://www.valeria-rovalution.com/) in Los Angeles, California, a holistic lifestyle consulting business that was officially launched in November of 2012. Currently Valeria lives in Southern California with her husband and daughter.

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